What is Nitrox/EANx and do I really need it?
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What is Nitrox/EANx and do I really need it?

Sooner or later, every diver hears about Nitrox/Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN) and asks themselves: ‘Is Nitrox diving something for me?’ In fact nowadays, you can even start breathing EANx from your very first dive by including a nitrox certification in your Open Water Scuba Diver Course! But even though the diving world without EANx now…

Not into Technical diving? Why you should still consider a fundamental diving course!

Not into Technical diving? Why you should still consider a fundamental diving course!

Very often when people acquire information about our courses we receive questions as to why we require them to first do a fundamental diving course such as the SSI Foundations before we start off with a technical diving course. Some other instructors/centers don’t require those fundamental diving courses and instead let their students start off directly with…