TDI Advanced Nitrox Instructor
The TDI Advanced Nitrox Instructor course is for instructors wishing to teach the use of EAN-21 through 100 percent oxygen (O₂) for optimal mixes to a depth of 40 m. The object of this course is to train nitrox instructors to teach the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for EAN-21 through 100 percent oxygen (O₂) for dives not requiring staged decompression. The TDI Adv. Nitrox Instructor Course enables you to teach one of the core courses of the TDI System.
Prerequisites TDI Advanced Nitrox Instructor :
NOTE: The TDI Adv.EANx Diver Course may be combined with TDI Decompression Procedures Course (total of min. 6 dives are required
To complete this course,
students must: